Reveal of the Riviera Royale


This headline is so wildly inaccurate that it amounts to a bait-and-switch. This isn’t a reveal of the cover of Reckoning at the Riviera Royale, which came out six months ago. It’s not even a reveal of the cover of the audio version of Reckoning at the Riviera Royale, unless a square version of the existing cover counts as something deserving of a reveal.
It is, however, the official announcement of the rebooted audiobook release schedule, starting with Reckoning at the Riviera Royale in, we hope, October.
The long pause in audiobook publication has been due to the original publisher’s frankly baffling decision to concentrate their limited resources on titles and series which actually make money. Their contribution will be missed, but only so much because the talented Tim Bruce has agreed to remain the voice of Anty Boisjoly.
As long as this has taken, it’s only come this far this fast because of the encouraging words of readers and listeners. I’d very much like to express my appreciation for the patience and, for that matter, the impatience, and delightful messages of support.