Foreboding Foretelling at Ficklehouse Felling is Finally Finished and Finessed


Anty Boisjoly is back with his reddest-of-herringed, twistiest-of-turned, locked-roomiest manor house mystery yet.

It’s a classic, manor house, mystery-within-a-locked-room-mystery for Anty Boisjoly, when a death is foretold by a mystic that Anty’s sure is a charlatan. But when an impossible murder follows the foretelling, Anty and his old ally and nemesis Inspector Wittersham must sift the connivance, contrivance, misguidance, and reliance on pseudoscience of the mad manor and its oddball inhabitants before the killer strikes again.

Foreboding Foretelling at Ficklehouse Felling is available from November 9th because that was the earliest pre-order date available. In fact I’ve never fully understood the perceived value of pre-orders, but I’m told that it’s is the only way to acquire this ‘hype’ that’s got everyone talking. It’s also the only way to have this link: